

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I find it extremely difficult trying to focus my mind on re-establishing and re-enacting my life as a married man. Allow me to say here that most of what you will be reading is from the depth of my heart and I would want you to detach yourself from yourself while reading and pondering through this blog.

I got to the hospital (37 Military Hospital) at about 6:15 am and met with a nurse at the intensive care unit where she was recuperating from a Caesarian section / a major operation to remove a certain length of intestine that was Gangrene due to sickle cell crisis in the intestine. That is according to the hospital reports. I saw her through the glass partitioning and waved at her. She smiled and made a face at me since she couldn't move much. The nurse gave me two blood sample bottles and said I should take it to the lab for tests that were written out on a sheet.

I waved to her again on my way out and made my way straight to the lab recommended by the hospital. On getting there, the lab was still closed as it was obviously too early for them at that time, 7:14. I had to sit in the car and wait till about 8:15 before they arrived. Quickly I sent in the samples and I was given 2 hours to come back.

I will continue the next part of this story tomorrow. PLEASE JOIN ME.

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My Daughter Ojel & My Late Wife, Princess